Thursday, August 28, 2008

Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans Can Carry A Bit Of A Stigma In The Financial Services World

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit card debt consolidation loans can carry a bit of a stigma in the financial services world.

Short term debt management solutions do not mix well with longer term loans, so a credit card debt consolidation loan needs to be factored in to a longer term plan to tackle your personal debt. All too often people lack the resolve to manage their credit cards once paid off with a credit card debt consolidation loan- the end result being not a reduction in their debts, but an increase in their financial problems. By knowing which credit card balances have which interest rates, you can use the debt consolidation loan to pay off the most expensive ones first, thus reducing your outstanding debt and your monthly repayments. So if you are not prepared to destroy cards and cancel accounts then this loan is going to make things even worse for you. With so many transactions requiring a credit card, you may want to continue using them- in which case there are other debt consolidation routes available which won t involve a loan. If you can choose one credit card with good terms for your daily needs, then use your loan to pay off the other credit cards, you ll find the reduction in monthly repayments just the start you need on your journey out of debt. You will get offers in the mail that tell you to transfer your credit card debt to this new card and you won t pay any interest on the balance you transfer.

Another form of credit card debt consolidation is using balance transfer deals to move your outstanding debt to a new card at a lower rate of interest. By taking up these deals and transfer your balance, you can reduce your monthly repayments with the much lower introductory interest rate. Balance transfer deals need to be managed with great care if you re not to end up with a large outstanding balance when the introductory interest rate expires- talk to a professional credit counsellor if you have concerns about the deal. Without careful management, using balance transfer deals can quickly lead to a number of new credit cards with high outstanding balances. A debt consolidation loan is the first step to eliminating credit card debt- the next is to manage( or preferably destroy) the existing cards whose balance has been paid off. Once the cards are cut up, you will find your consolidation loan has improved your finances and lowered your monthly repayments.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Results Have Raised Concern Over The Alarming Rate At Which Bad Debts Are Rising And When They Will Be Paid Off

Category: Finance, Credit.

A recent survey revealed that consumers aged between 30 and 35 years have average unsecured debts of around �5, which equates to, 863 nearly 30 per cent more than the national average. Many are buying their first homes at this age, but are also enjoying rapidly increasing salaries and are keen to enjoy their disposable income.

Financial experts have said that the early 30s are a transitional age where careers are beginning to take off and before family responsibilities take over. However, some particularly those that are not trying to get on the property ladder, may find themselves in financial difficulty in the future as a result of living beyond their means. The results have raised concern over the alarming rate at which bad debts are rising and when they will be paid off. The survey also revealed that those in the age group are likely to make the maximum number of defaults on their unsecured loans. For example, pensioners are carrying huge amounts of debt with the average 60- plus- year- old owing more than �35, 000 in unsecured loans. It found that the average pensioner owes �9, 098 in personal loans, �7, 551 pounds in credit card debt, �3, 215 in overdrafts and a further �15, 616 in other unsecured debts, such as store cards and car finance schemes.

Some 63 per cent of those aged 60 and over have unsecured debts, such as credit card and loan debt, according to a survey of 4, 620 pensioners by equity release specialist Key Retirement Solutions. That s a total 35, 480 pounds. Recent figures from financial education charity Credit Action showed that the number of over- 60s with money worries increased faster than among any other age group last year, as pensioners grapple with rising energy and council tax bills. Taking account of outstanding mortgage debts carried into retirement adds a further �31, 000 per pensioner to the debt mountain. There is an increasing number of over- 60s not only taking mortgage debt into retirement, credit cards and, but servicing loans overdraft debt. With monthly repayments on that of over �450 and more than 38 per cent of pensioners living on 10, 000 pounds or less per year, the debt crisis means that some older people are using almost half of their annual income to keep up with repayment.

With official statistics showing that 17 million workers do not make any contribution to a private pension, and a growing culture and acceptance of debt in our society, this is a large scale problem that will continue to hit future generations in retirement. Retirement should be a time for some well- earned relaxation, but for all too many it is a time of financial stress. The levels of debt amongst the over 60s, as well as being a serious issue now, is one which is only likely to get worse. Also, when we consider that inflation hits the over- 60s hardest, pension provision is looking increasingly shaky, and we have moved away from a savings culture. Borrowers that find themselves living well beyond their means should concentrate on slimming down their debts and putting money aside for savings. If you re not keen to buy a house or start a family, it is still a good idea to put aside some extra cash to finance the rest of your life should your financial situation change.


On A Big Buying Spree You Exhaust Your Credit Card Limits And Max Out - Clarissa Longway about Finance and Credit:

Credit history and credit score if good can get us good loans and credit cards at better terms. But little things such as those listed in this article if not taken care can do serious damage to a person s credit history.

A Word Of Caution When Comparing Low Interest Rate Credit Card Deals And Offers - Finance and Credit Blog:

Low interest rate credit cards are a valuable tool in your financial arsenal and they are a good option if you can only pay the minimum monthly payment at times.

Don T Try To Correct Your Credit Score Overnight - Finance and Credit Articles:

A bad credit rating is something many of us are aware of, so much so that it frightens us into acting in a certain way. Anything untoward in your financial management is likely to show up on your credit report, and that means that eventually you re going to struggle to raise the finance you need, or even just to get credit for small everyday transactions like telephone installation or store cards.

Monday, August 25, 2008

You Are Not In A Suitable Financial Position To Be Considering A Payday Cash Advance At That Time Certainly

Category: Finance, Credit.

If you are considering getting a cash advance then it is likely that you are not in a great financial situation at the moment and you see it as a means by which to remedy your current problems. Those who are currently low on cash but expect more money soon should certainly consider a cash advance as a viable option, however that is not to say it is the best choice.

If you are indeed applying for a cash advance for those reasons then you need to really consider if you are a suitable candidate. Everyone has to consider the available option and what is available at the time. This should be the case for everyone. If you are currently struggling with debt then it is important that you are able to maintain a proper train of thought and come to decisions rationally with reasonable consideration for the long term. If, for example, you do not feel you are going to be in a great financial situation for more than a couple of months, then certainly a cash advance loan is not the best option for you. You are not in a suitable financial position to be considering a payday cash advance at that time certainly.

In this case, ideally you should try and get additional hours at your work, however if that is not an option then a bank loan could be a great option for you and even credit cards as a last minute option. When applying for a payday cash advance there is a lot to consider, not least where you would be able to find one to meet your needs. This is something that everyone must consider and choose on there own. Many people consider offline providers where as other consider online providers. For me it is a cash of how comfortable you feel talking with a person about your finances or whether the thought of dealing with a computer and a phone call is more suited to you and your needs. This is really not something that you should let worry you too much.

Many people are also worried about whether or not they will be suitable for a loan in the first place. If you think about it, it is best to apply and worry later. The real motive should be considering whether you are making the best choice in opting to work with a payday cash advance provider, for many they feel that they can be expensive and that is certainly true. What can they do apart from turn you down? That is why it is often best to speak with multiple companies and get quotations from each so that you can compare and contrast in order to make the best choice for you. Click on the links that appeal to you and find out if they are interested in working with you through sending them your info or phoning them.

Lets recap a basic strategy for applying for a payday cash advance loan: Go to your favorite search engine such as Google, Yahoo. Wait for the results!


A Few Years Ago There Weren T Too Many Real Credit Repair Companies Out There - Finance and Credit Articles:

For the last 5 or 6 years I ve been telling friends and family how ugly of an industry credit repair and debt settlement is getting to be. It looks like my prediction was wrong.

There Are Fixed Dates Between Which The Grants Are Given Out - Lesa Arquette's Finance and Credit blog:

There s quite a bit of money that the US government provides in grants each year for people who want to start their own businesses, or for any other reasonable activity.

Credit Cards Are The Easiest Way Of Purchasing Things - Finance and Credit:

Credit cards are a relatively new phenomenon, but have gained immense popularity within a span of just a few years.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Card Merchant Account Can Put Your Business On The Road To Financial Success

Category: Finance, Credit.

A card merchant account can put your business on the road to financial success.

Many business owners who started taking credit card payments claim that their income has doubled while overhead costs have diminished. If your company is not yet accepting credit card payments, you are missing out on the powerful potential of this income stream. When you become eligible to receive credit card payments, you are likely to experience an increase in sales volume and chase fewer dud checks. Start by finding a lender you can trust. To facilitate credit card payment, you will need, however to apply for a merchant account. This may be a bank you already work with, one that perhaps got your business started or helped it to grow to where it is today.

But if you do not have such a lender or if the one you do have does not seem eager or suitable for underwriting your merchant account, you will have to find another reputable bank, or other financial, credit union institution to facilitate this account. If so, there is a good chance that the lender will continue working with you in this key operative. Your card merchant account can make or break your company, so it is wise to spend time finding the best possible lender for this purpose. Take time to shop the many available offers and compare terms before making a decision. Dont just grab the first deal to come along. All too often a new or small business owner will be dazzled by the array of benefits that suddenly become available through a merchant services card. Approximately 80% of small companies close their doors within two years.

Then, after implementing this account, expenses mount while income remains stable or falls and the company can experience a shortfall. Dont become a casualty of this predictor. Avoid investing large amounts into questionable activities. If you are approved for a merchant account, use it according to your business plan or company budget. Start small by purchasing or leasing a basic credit card processor for your physical location. You dont have to spend thousands of dollars to get started.

Or get a wireless unit for deliveries or remote destinations. Go it one step at a time until you see how your customers respond and what your potential growth is shaping up to be. After getting approval for your card merchant account, you usually can start accepting credit payments immediately. At that point you can always add more services, like an e- check processor or a pager, if you find they are truly needed for continued growth. Make sure you understand the terms of your account, which often boils down to a per- transaction rate of perhaps 20 to 25 cents. In other words, you will be charged a baseline amount for up to perhaps 1, 000 credit transactions.

Or you may be able to opt for a low- interest monthly fee that may or may not impose certain minimums. If your company does not get that many, you still have to pay the baseline fee, but you will not have to pay more, even if you get 2, 000 credit card, 000 or 3 transactions, although this can vary from one lender to another. Check with local or online lenders for more details on applying for a card merchant account.


A Secured Credit Card Is Issued For The Security Of The Credit Card Supplier - Finance and Credit:

Nowadays, more and more people are using plastic money to pay for purchases and transactions and carrying cash is slowly getting out of date.

But There Are Drawbacks To Small- Business Credit Card Usage As Well - Dawn Kanner's Finance and Credit blog:

Business credit cards are primarily disseminated for business use only, and provide a simple track record of company expenses.

Still, As You Stand In An Endless Line Waiting To Board, You Wonder If Your Credit Card Has This Kind Of Security - Finance and Credit Articles:

Just about everybody, when going to the airport and boarding a plane, have to go through hours and hours, lines and lines of security. Still, as you stand in an endless line waiting to board, you wonder if your credit card has this kind of security.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Credit Status

Category: Finance, Credit.

In a multi tasking, hurry- up society, the thought of getting something instantly is very appealing, but are instant approval credit cards really" instant? " Actually, instant approval means just that, you may be instantly approved  but it doesn t mean that a card will instantly and magically appear in your hand, or that you can even use your newly approved credit line yet. One advantage of instant approval credit cards is knowing almost instantly whether you have been approved for credit.

The actual approval process will take from just a few seconds to a few minutes. One exception in the instant approval process is if they need to further verify information that you have submitted and then the process will be delayed for just a few days. Simple and Convenient Application Process. The primary advantage you will find is that an instant approval credit card is the fastest way of obtaining credit to date. Although some instant approval credit card offers are sent by mail for you to phone- in for approval, you may not have an offer when you are ready to apply. You need to answer a few simple questions which include your name, where you live and work, what your income is, social security number and income. A simpler, quicker and more efficient way would be to utilize your computer to apply for an online instant approval credit card.

The application is simple and the processing is very quick. . . why some would even say almost" instant! " Many instant approval credit cards allow free online account management, payments, statements, and a record of recent charges that haven t been billed yet. Your credit status may impact whether you are eligible for an instant approval credit card. Credit Status. You usually need a good or excellent rating in order to qualify for this type of card. Expedited Processing. Some banks are now broadening whom they will extend credit to, so go ahead and try if your credit is less than stellar  you might just be pleasantly surprised. You will still need to wait for processing and your physical card in the mail before you can start using your new instant approval credit card.

The expedited processing time compared to a traditional credit card is a matter of days for processing, compared to weeks with the slower traditional cards still available. However, the card should arrive by mail in just a few days. Annual and Hidden Fees. You will need to research the options for the various instant approval credit cards online to find the best card for your needs. Don t be too hasty to apply for your card without checking first. Many cards will have annual or hidden fees that will impact the cost of your card, while others have no fees at all. Rewards and Benefit Options.

It is very important to investigate any fees, possible rewards and interest rates. Being in a hurry might cost you some very important rewards or other card options. It is a very competitive market in the banking world today, so don t be in rush and lose out on options that might be an asset to your finances. Some instant credit cards will give you bonus airline miles as a reward, and, cash back options/ or balance transfer privileges. Conclusion. Although you get can get approved instantly, you must still wait for expedited processing and mailing of a physical credit card before you can use your new credit line. Online instant approval credit cards are the speediest and simplest form of credit approval to date.

In such a hectic and hurry- up world, it is indeed wonderful to find a quick, easy process that will give you future convenience in managing your budget quickly and efficiently. It might not be entirely" instant" other than the approval process, but getting an instant approval credit card online is truly time saving.


The 1% May Come In The Form Of Credit Card Rewards Or Points - Finance and Credit:

Credit card companies make money from you- lots of money. We ve all the seen the ads for miles, and rewards, free car rentals- the array of options can be confusing.

The American Express Blue Card Is No Exception - Finance and Credit:

These days, credit cards are loaded with great features and benefits. As a matter of fact, it is one of the better credit cards to own.

The Credit Card Companies Greet Him With The Following: Very High APR - Finance and Credit:

Having a bad credit and getting good credit card offers simply doesn t happen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

That S The Idea Behind A Cashback Credit Card

Category: Finance, Credit.

Cashback and reward credit cards are rapidly gaining popularity here in the UK.

That s the idea behind a cashback credit card. Imagine being paid to spend money. As credit cards have gained wider and wider acceptance, credit card companies are working hard to convince you that theirs is the best credit card you can carry in your wallet. Choose a cashback credit card that pays you for purchases you d normally make anyway. If you re in the market for a cashback credit card, here are some tips to help you compare and choose the best credit card for you. The most valuable cash back offers are those that give you cash back on ALL of your purchases, no matter where you make them.

Some cards offer you up to 5% cash back, but only on certain purchases, or particular merchants. The highest percentage of cashback isn t always the best deal. If those aren t purchases that you d normally make then it s really not saving you money. All cashback cards are not created equal. Choose the credit card that works best for you. Some give you immediate discounts on you purchases, some reduce your account balance by the amount of your cash back and some send you cheques or gift cards periodically.

If you like having a bonus cheque to spend, choose a card that pays out semi- annual or annual dividends. Pick a card that rewards you the way you like best. Depending on your spending habits, you can end up with a pretty nest egg to do your Christmas shopping. In addition, many also give you cash back on any purchase made at a petrol station or convenience. A petrol cashback credit card can pay off every time you fill your tank by discounting every litre of petrol that you buy. Cashback credit cards that pay you for every pence you spend generally have lower percentage points( .5% is common) , but can add up to considerably more cash back for you over the long run if you don t typically patronise a select group of merchants.

Do compare cashback credit cards at comparison websites to be sure you re getting the best APR and rewards you can qualify for. If you DO tend to frequent particular merchants, you may find a cashback credit card that rewards you for shopping at those merchants. Especially if you tend to carry a balance on your accounts, you may find that interest charges eat up all that lovely cash back. These are not the same as credit cards that offer rewards when you use participating merchants. Be wary of shoppers clubs masquerading as credit cards. Instead, these cards are only valid at a select group of merchants. Not only are you confined to the premium prices charged by the member merchants, but you ll likely pay premium interest rates.


Nearly Everyone Who Has A Credit Card Has The Goal Of A Higher Line Of Credit - Dianne Celestin about Finance and Credit:

Nearly everyone who has a credit card has the goal of a higher line of credit. Another reason you may want to increase the limit on your credit card is because increasing your limit could raise your credit score, which could make you eligible for better interest rates on future loans.

Late Payment With A Bad Credit Credit Card Is Severely Penalized - Finance and Credit Blog:

With a bad credit and less than perfect credit history, getting a credit card with competitive features is not that easy. High APR.

Credit Cards Are Far Greater Than Money Today - Finance and Credit:

Ever wondered how plastic could have so much power?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Credit Card Convenience Checks

Category: Finance, Credit.

No matter how convenient credit cards are- and they re almost obligatory for modern life- there s no denying that they can land the unwary card- holder in a whole world of trouble if not used carefully.

Late Payments. Here we present the seven deadly sins of credit card use. The number one rule of using credit cards is to pay your statement on time. Minimum Payments. Not only do late payments cause damage to your credit rating, they also cost you money- both in the form of the late payment fee, but also in the form of a hike in your interest rate for repeat offenders. Even if you keep to a good repayment schedule and always pay on time, only paying the minimum amount required on your statement is a major mistake that most of us make- not least because we re actively encouraged to do just that by setting up automated payments such as direct debits.

Sticking to the minimum amounts will all but ensure that you stay permanently in debt, and will cost you dearly in overall interest charges. The problem is, with minimum payment levels set at only a few percent, nearly all of what you pay is swallowed up in interest charges leaving your debt virtually untouched. Cash Advances and Withdrawals. Don t do it, except in a real emergency when you really need cash and have no other way of getting it. Most credit cards now offer the facility to withdraw cash from a huge number of ATMs worldwide. Not only will you be charged a fee, the interest rate charged is usually much higher than your normal rate, and because more expensive debt is usually the last to be cleared, you ll be charged this high rate each and every month while you re carrying a balance.

These are a bad idea as they suffer from the same drawbacks as cash withdrawals- i. e. high interest rates. Credit Card Convenience Checks. Even if your card is one of the few still to offer this facility , avoid it- there s little benefit in using a check, and plenty of cost! Balance transfer deals can save you a fortune in interest on your debt if you handle them correctly. Spending on Balance Transfer Cards. The problem is, many people fail to get the full rewards by using the same card for balance transfers and purchases. Use separate cards for spending and balance transfers.

Because of the way most cards allocate the payments you make, your purchase debt will never be lessened until the balance transfer is fully repaid, and so will attract interest without any of it being repaid. Impulse Purchases. As you re not actually parting with any cash, using a card doesn t feel as expensive as ordinary purchases, when in fact it s much more expensive! One of the major causes of problem credit card debt is the casual use of cards to fund impulse purchases. Think carefully before you buy whether or not your purchase will seem as good an idea when your next statement drops on to your doormat. While using your card as much as possible s a good idea if you re benefiting from a reward or cash back scheme, you should only do this if you pay off your balance in full every month. Paying for Essentials.

Using your card to pay for essentials such as food and energy bills, and letting your debt build up unchecked, is a sure sign that you re living beyond your means and need to have a hard look at your budget.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Idea# 1- Respect Your Credit

Category: Finance, Credit.

Many of us could stand to do some cleaning up with our credit. Actually, we have quite a bit of power when it comes to improving our credit scores.

However, all too often we think there is not that much we can do. Here are ten simple tips on how you can make a positive impact on your credit score. Idea# 10- Get A Better Paying Job. Chances are that at least one tip on how to repair bad credit will be right for your situation, and will hopefully motivate you to try some other ideas as well. One of the main reasons that a credit score goes down is because you simply owe too much money when compared to your annual income. Assuming that your level of indebtedness does not increase, your credit rating will improve, even if you don t make any changes in your spending habits.

One of the best ways to start correcting that situation is to find a job that will allow you to realize more income during the upcoming year. Idea# 9- Make More Than The Minimum Payment. At the same time, your credit rating will go down a few points, even if you are consistently making those minimum payments. As your credit balances go up, it becomes harder to make more than minimum payments on your credit card accounts. In order to bolster your credit rating, always pay more than the minimum amount, even if it is only a few dollars. Along with paying more than the minimum amount each month, cut back on how much you use the cards.

Idea# 8- Curb Your Credit Card Spending. Chances are this will mean having to cut back on entertainment and eating out, but those are things that most of us could stand to do anyway. Calculate this amount by taking the most recent calendar month, adding up all the credit card charges you made, and divide that amount by two. Start out by setting a maximum amount that you will allow yourself to charge each week. That will be your monthly allotment for credit card purchases. Do not carry over an unused amount from one week to the next, or you will defeat the whole point of the exercise. Divide by four and you will have your maximum amount of charging for the week.

Idea# 6- Separate Needs From Wants. That is fine, as long as those expenses are paid in full each month. Many people use credit cards to pay for essentials like groceries or gasoline. For the rest of your charges, learn to ask yourself if you really need what you are about to purchase on credit. If you cannot honestly say yes, put it back on the shelf and move on. If you do not need it, but still want it a great deal, ask yourself if you will still want it as much next week or next month. Idea# 5- Get A Copy Of Your Credit Report.

There is a good chance that something on your credit report is not right and is negatively impacting your credit score. So many people don t get around to doing this. If you don t get the report, you won t know about it until you are turned down for something you really need. Even people who do get one credit report each year often don t get a copy of their credit report and score from each of the three main agencies. Idea# 4- Get A Copy Of Your Credit Report From All Three Main Bureaus. It is very possible that there are line items on one report that are not on the others.

Get a copy from each bureau and go over it in detail. Looking at one credit report is not enough. Idea# 3- Correct False Information. One bad note can knock you out of getting the best mortgage rate, or getting a car loan with the best terms. If there is anything on any of the three credit reports that are not correct, report it immediately and take the necessary steps to have the information updated. Idea# 2- Pay Off Credit Card Balances At Every Opportunity.

If your income is obviously tied up in making a series of payments to ten different credit cards, your chances for getting what you need are much better. Keeping low balances will help to make you more attractive when you need to make a major purchase on credit. Idea# 1- Respect Your Credit. Creditors are not obligated to extend credit to you, and it can be revoked if you choose to abuse it. The simple fact is that credit is a privilege, not a right. Failing to treat your creditors with respect and meeting your obligations will only lead to a bad credit score. Limit the amount of credit you use, pay off all accounts in a timely manner, and always remember to be grateful for the credit you have been granted.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What Are The Most Important Things That Lead A Person To Credit Card Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

The debt situation in USA is particularly grim. What are the most important things that lead a person to credit card debt?

According to a study an average American owes about$ 10, 000 in debt and that too at a whopping 14% interest rate. In this article we analyse few of them. Credit cards provide a very easy way to borrow money. Overborrowing. Just a swipe and you are done. Paying just the monthly minimum.

This ease drives impulsive buying and without any forethought a credit card holder goes on and on making purchases with his credit card, he doesn' t ever worry that this credit card money is a debt and has to be repaid with interest. Every credit card statement comes with a minimum payment amount mentioned in it. This is the minimum amount to be paid to the credit card company every month. This is generally a percentage of the outstanding balance on the credit card subject to certain conditions. The sad part is that people take it as the only thing to be done and continue with just the monthly minimum. Multiple credit cards and repayment defaults. If you are just paying the monthly minimums on your credit cards each month, a debt of$ 5000 will take you more than 30 years to repay and in this process you will have paid the credit card an interest of more than$ 500And if your credit card debt is$ 10, 000 and you just pay the monthly minimum chances are good that you will never be able to repay your debt in a lifetime.

Average American household carries around 5 credit cards, which is more than their regular needs. This makes getting further credit very costly. What happens is that with multiple credit cards they falter on repayments and are slapped with a late payment fees, high interest rates and negative remarks on their credit history. To make the matter worse, some people get new credit cards at exorbitant interest rates to repay their existing credit card debt, and are seriously caught in the debt trap. Credit card debt is growing at an alarming rate, the situation at the savings front is very grim and a crisis like the great depression is looming on American society.

Monday, August 11, 2008

So, You Get A Free Credit Report

Don' t get dejected when you find a rejection letter in your mailbox.

It is a real opportunity, waiting to be exploited, provided we look towards it with the right attitude. Strange it might sound but the rejection letter brings two major advantages with it. Now, you must be wondering that what two big advantages does a rejection letter brings? The first advantage that comes with a rejection letter gets its validity from a statute in the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Read on and enlighten yourself. This Act offers some good protection to credit card owners. So, if you are rejected because a particular credit rating agency has made adverse credit remarks in your credit report, the credit card company that has rejected you must state the name of related credit rating agency and their remarks to you.

According to this act whenever you are denied a credit for some reason, you have the right to know what circumstances or facts led to that rejection. Further, the Fair Credit Reporting Act states that every rejected person is entitled to request a free credit report from the credit rating agency listed in your rejection letter or denial report. The second big benefit that a rejection letter or denial report brings to you is the exact reason, which led to the unfortunate decision. So, you get a free credit report. The importance of this information can' t be understated, and it can be successfully used to rebuild your credit history. Why wait for a rejection letter to get a free credit report?

Attitude matters here, though the rejection letter or denial report gives you certain things that can become tools for your credit repair, but it all depends how well you use them. Every credit rating agency is legally bound to supply you a free credit report annually. Checking out the exact option that led to your disqualification or rejection might lead to certain discrepancies at the end of that particular lender, which might be corrected by providing the right information. Get it, check the discrepancies if any and use it to improve your credit rating. This might change how you look at your next rejection letter( if you get it) .